Lady Ease feminine skincare hydrates and nourishes the delicate vaginal area to provide comfort for vaginal dryness. Expertly formulated with only the highest quality organic ingredients. Sustainably sourced, non-toxic and free of harmful ingredients. Use our products with peace of mind.

There is an empowering moment in a woman’s life when she embraces the body that she calls home. Lady Ease was born out of the belief that vaginal dryness naturally occurs with hormonal changes that simply need skin care. Just as we care for our faces and bodies with special skincare products, our vaginal moisturizers are specifically designed by women to nourish and hydrate the vaginal skin. The desire to share the Lady Ease natural feminine skincare collection with other women is our passion. To share with women that they are not alone has sparked a movement involving a sense of self-love and peace of mind that every woman deserves to experience. It is our belief that the feminine spirit reflects our beauty as unique individuals and collectively as women, of all ages. It is through the founder's personal journey through menopause when she experienced her body changing, becoming less supple, more dry, and increasingly delicate that she was propelled to create the Lady Ease brand to provide herself and other women comfort and peace of mind, which is beautiful.
I truly feel so at ease using Lady Ease vaginal moisturizers, knowing there is nothing harmful. VM Cream is my daily vaginal moisturizer. Great to be comfortable all day.
Michelle, age 50
Menopause caught me a little off guard when sex became uncomfortable. I just did not want to accept that it would be this way. Not wanting to take on the risks that using hormones have, I tried the Organic Lady Ease. Using Lady Ease VM Cream and VM Oil together, first a layer of VM Cream then a layer of VM Oil made intimacy comfortable. Thank goodness!
Karen, age 58
Lady Ease VM Serum is my go-to vaginal moisturizer when my vaginal area gets a little irritated. It is so soothing and calming. Love the creme and oil too :) I highly recommend Lady Ease collection set vaginal moisturizers!
Patricia, age 48
Lady Ease in Press
Sheila Adel, Founder of Lady Ease, Provides A Safe and Effective Feminine Skincare Product for Women of All Ages
The Education Of The Female Entrepreneur Impacting Multiple Sectors
As female-led companies continue to sprout up in both the U.S. and globally, efforts are underway to provide education and greater access to resources that can help keep the train of success running.